Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Looking for a new team member for Tailwaggers

Do you have some spare time and admin/bookkeeping skills?
Do you love pets and want to help pet owners in crisis?
Have you heard of Tailwaggers Club Trust? This small and ancient charity needs someone to step into the shoes of the legendary Sid Nye who should have retired last March but is still working as hard today as ever! We recognise we are unlikely to find anyone person capable of taking over the whole of his job and are just so incredibly grateful that for more than 20 years he gave his time to the charity free of charge.
We have split the role in two and we now seek someone special to do the admin side.
Are you good with figures - able to do simple book keeping? 
Would be able to attend and co-ordinate four trustees meetings a year
(we meet at the BVA headquarters in London)? 
Have you got a computer with email access?
Tailwaggers Club Trust is a small, ancient charity that helps pet owners in crisis and we are looking for applications for the role of Secretary. 
Here is a brief job description, please email me if you have any questions. 
Tailwaggers is not a wealthy charity by any means, but there is a possibility of a small honorarium with this position for the right candidate as we recognise we would probably have to wait another 20 years for another saint like Sid to come along!
 Please email Beverley@dogstodaymagazine.co.uk if you are interested or want to know more.

Secretary's job description


Maintain record of all payments and receipts analysed by category
Maintain a Statement of Activity and Balance Sheet.
(Currently this is achieved by a spreadsheet where a single entry for each transaction
updates all the required fields)

Appeals. Keep a separate record of each appeal showing the donations made, cheques issued and balance in hand.

Prepare budget for current year.

Reconcile  book balances with bank statements every month.

Transfer money between accounts as required.

Bank cheques received and acknowledge donations.

Write the Annual Report

Prepare accounts for audit at year end 31st March, ensuring supporting documentation is complete


Fix dates for meetings based on Trustees availability.

Prepare and circulate agenda in advance of the meeting

Prepare such financial reports as required by Trustees for presentation/discussion at meetings.


Complete Annual Return (Can now be done on-line)

Send them a certified copy of any resolution agreed by trustees changing any administrative aspect of our Governing Document.


Check Email daily and deal with messages as necessary.
Forward email applications to another trustee.

For more details or to apply for the position email the Chairman, beverley@dogstodaymagazine.co.uk or post c/o Tailwaggers Club Trust Secretary, Dogs Today, 4 Bonseys Lane, Chobham, Surrey. GU24 8JJ
Registered Charity No. 265069